I feel a bit of a fraud writing about time management as I have neither found the perfect solution nor believe the perfect solution exists. That said, I do have a system and I have found some tools that support me. I also know what doesn’t work and from that there are some common threads that can help us all improve. No blog on workplace effectiveness would be complete without some coverage of this vexed subject. Hopefully this post will be useful if you feel out of control. If you have any alternative suggestions, I would love to hear them.
Interesting article James, sorry I'm only now just reading. I'm wondering what your view on Bullet Journaling is, particularly as you can add the mobile companion option. I keep trying to succeed but then pressure of work/emails takes over..
I have heard of bullet journaling (I think I researched briefly when trying to work out whether I should be journaling...I didn't start) - but I don't know the theory at all. Do you do it? I would definitely try it if it comes with a personal recommendation.
Interesting article James, sorry I'm only now just reading. I'm wondering what your view on Bullet Journaling is, particularly as you can add the mobile companion option. I keep trying to succeed but then pressure of work/emails takes over..
I have heard of bullet journaling (I think I researched briefly when trying to work out whether I should be journaling...I didn't start) - but I don't know the theory at all. Do you do it? I would definitely try it if it comes with a personal recommendation.